Benefactors, Patrons, and Supporters

This is a new page and work in progress that will be updated.

These are the folks and Businesses who have donated substantial money and gifts to the Society.

The Wilkes Journal PatriotThank you for your ongoing support for providing us research and news.
The Wilkes RecordThank you for your ongoing support for providing us research and news.
Alice BillingsHer work on the Billings family donated by the Billings family. Her files are located in the WGS Genealogy Room.
Jane Carter OgburnHer Genealogy research donated to the Society by J. Thomas Ogburn. Her files are located in the WGS Genealogy Room.
Wilma Jean Church ReynoldsHer Genealogy Collection from 1978 through 2023. Her files are located in the WGS Genealogy Room.
Dr. John H. ScalfHis genealogical research on the John Church Family donated to the Society by Mrs. Dorothy Campbell. His files are located in the WGS Genealogy Room.

Daniel Curtis (since 2023)

Michael Robert Huffman (since 2024)

Kathryn Pipes Stewart (since 2023)

Robert Allen (since 2024)

Deanna Davis (since 2024)